
Thursday, March 8, 2012

art work & wrapping paper

Dear Em,
For your birthday this year we got you an easel. There's a spot to for paints & markers & chalk. You love it, & it's so fun to watch you play & make art.

There's just one problem. Where do I put all of your art? I saved the very first easel piece your created (along with many others from school & home), but I can't save/display them all. I thought about using some of your pieces & framing them as a kind of abstract art work to decorate your room. But still, even after sending artwork to family in the mail, we just can't keep them all.

Then I had a great idea for your art. We can reuse it as fun & personalized wrapping paper.

Daddy's very last birthday week present, the sunglasses he was really hoping for, had a little extra pizazz- your art work. It was actually perfect because you & Daddy worked on this piece of art together. In the future, I'm thinking we can even add ribbon & stickers. 

It's a fun way for you to be involved in the gift giving process. Plus, it works for any occasion. And who wouldn't want a gift tenderly wrapped in your creations?

I love you so,

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