
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Potty Parties

Dear Em,
Are these the types of parties that we will be throwing now? Potty parties? Up until a couple weeks ago, I had never heard of a potty party. I've heard different methods of potty training, but I had no idea there was a themed party to go with it. I was curious, so I googled "potty party" to see what it was all about.

Some places & play groups are now hosting parties to help teach kids & get them excited about using the potty. In fact, you can buy potty party kits online or find a store or facility that hosts them. Some of the parties were big with lots of kids. One blogger talked about only inviting her child's imaginary friends to the party (stuffed animals). There was an Elmo themed party with books & party hats & stuffed Elmos all partying in the bathroom (the pictures looked really cute, but I couldn't help but think "a party in the bathroom, ewww").

The content of the parties seem to differ depending on the party planner. At one place, the kids watched a DVD about going potty, colored a pair of training underwear, sang songs & were given parting gifts (a potty checklist, stickers, & a blow-up guitar). Other parties looked very similar to birthday parties with a cake & candles to celebrate the first day of wearing underwear.

So, these are the types of parties we will be throwing now? There are a number of things I wish I knew before I had kids, & now we can add potty parties to that list. I don't mean to sound negative about it. I think it's a fun idea to help kids in their transition to that next step. It's just, when I think of the one place in my house I'd rather not throw a party, it's in my bathroom (ok, also in the part of the basement where we keep the littler boxes). Seriously, ew. I kind of vomit in my mouth a little when I think about it.

We're not quite ready yet, anyway. We're going to wait until after you've had tubes put in your ears. The frequent antibiotic treatments you've been on for your recurring ear infections do a number on your system & give you diarrhea. We didn't think it was fair to start potty training until after your tubes, which would eliminate the need for oral antibiotics. Did I mention you are getting tubes put in your ears? I don't really like to think about it. Sigh, another post for another time.

Last week, you threw your very own potty party. Daddy & I were getting ready for work when you announced that Rachel, your baby doll, needed to go potty. You ran upstairs. A few minutes later Daddy & I found you in the bathroom upstairs. Your baby doll was undressed & sitting in your little red potty (which is still super clean since you don't go potty in it). You were sitting next to her, "reading" to her about princesses. It was so precious & sweet. You always seem to be in your element when you're bossing teaching someone else how to do things.

I'm not sure if potty parties will be part of our game plan, but I will leave you with this sweet video of the potty party you threw for Rachel.

I love you so,

* Parents, have you hosted/attended a potty party? What are your thoughts? *

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