
Friday, March 16, 2012

Our Irish-Grams

Dear Em,
St. Patrick's Day is a holiday we take pretty seriously in our house. If nothing else, it gives us a reason to dress you up, do a photo shoot, & make fun crafts. This was our first year making crafts together, but the last two years we gave fun magnets with your Irish cuteness to the grandparents.

St. Patrick's Day 2010

St. Patrick's Day 2011

This year along with pictures, we included your artwork in our Irish-Grams. We put your photos into a $.50 shamrock frame that I found at Michaels & then got to work. The moment I said the word "stickers," you were in your chair ready to make art. You covered your papers in shamrock stickers & then colored with markers. I was thinking green marker would be most appropriate, but of course you wanted to color with the pink one.

When I was at Michaels, I also found a cute door hanger kit. All the pieces were cut out of foam, & we just had to glue them together. It was a fun little project, & you loved playing with glue.

We had a fun afternoon making our little Irish-Grams. I hope they're a fun surprise for your grandparents.

At least we know there won't be any pinching tomorrow. We'll be decked out in green at our house, & we have the cutest little leprechaun living right here.

I love you so,


  1. I love those doorhangers! I think I need to start visiting the craft stores :)

    1. Thanks. I don't visit them often. I was actually there for a totally unrelated project. But then everything was on sale & it all looked fun. I think I'm going to try to go a few times a year & stock up on rainy day projects (& projects for fun inside play-dates) :)


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