
Monday, March 19, 2012

skinny jeans & athletic legs

Dear Em,
So, I bought my first pair of skinny jeans. I never thought I would own a pair of skinny jeans, but I have boots I would like to wear with jeans & it's hard to zip them up over non-skinny jeans. Why did I never see myself in skinny jeans? Well, I have what I would like to refer to as legs with an athletic build. Am I saying I'm athletic? Heck no.

If we could just size parts of our body, my legs would always be a size or two large than my waist. Going boot or jeans shopping is a frustrating & exhausting experience. I seriously leave stores sweating & feeling like I've just completed some kind of work out. Trying to squeeze my calves into boots that fit my feet but not my legs is really hard work.

So, yes, I bought my first pair of skinny jeans from Gap. I have to slowly inch each pants leg up my legs as if I were putting on a pair of tights. After much effort, I get them up to my waist. After that, I'm continuously pulling them back up to my waist because they are at least 2 sizes too big in that area (the jean skirt I bought the same day was four sizes smaller than my pants).

It's not really fair. The other day you yelled, "Mom, my pants hurt." I saw that your jeans were hugging your belly a little too tight. It took me minutes to let out the adjustable band in your pants. Without even breaking a sweat, your jeans were transformed into your size.

Why don't women get adjustable waists too?

Many of you are probably thinking. Why not just wear a belt? I feel like belts work best when your shirt is being tucked into your pants. Otherwise, they're bulky & look awkward. Since I can't remember the last time I tucked my shirt in, I'm going to go with someone needing to invent women's jeans with adjustable waists. Or at least invent jeans for the athletically inclined legs.

Sigh. Is it weird to say I really hope you get your Daddy's legs?

I love you so,

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