
Thursday, May 17, 2012

chasing boys

Dear Em,
The other day I took you to the park after school. You're growing so big. It was the first time at the park where I mostly sat & watched you play instead of standing a foot or two behind you, ready to help or guide you. It was a sweet way to end the work day.

You found a little four year old friend. She wanted to chase the boys. You wanted to do whatever she was doing. As she ran after the boys & you ran after her, you stopped & looked back at me.

"Want to chase the boys with us, Mommy," you called back to me.

I smiled & told you my days of chasing boys were over.

Yup, we're going to have to add this to the list of things I never thought I would hear you say at age two (remember this post?).

I love you so,

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