
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Pink & Purple Flowers: Presents for Amazing Teachers

Dear Em,
I feel so behind on posts, but May has been such a whirlwind of a month. You've been out of school for a week now, & I haven't had a chance to write about the gifts you made for your teachers. They love you & you love them. Along with writing them this letter, we wanted to make sure they knew how much we appreciate them by making them a special gift.

First, you & I went to Home Depot to pick out flowers & flower pots. You were very specific about what you wanted, pink & purple flowers. Through some kind of miracle, we found gorgeous flowers that are pink when closed. As the flowers bloom, they open up with gorgeous purple petals inside. You were thrilled.

As we looked at the terracotta pots, you were very specific about what you wanted there too. In your mind bigger is better. You kept asking me to grab bigger ones. We took them home to paint them. We stenciled pink & purple flowers, green grass, & white clouds (you had been studying clouds in school & wanted to add that touch). We also made your handprint to make into a flower & I painted your teacher's names.

Next it was time to pot our plants. You did a great job watering the flowers (with your "baby bumble bee).

Using popsicle sticks I purchased from the craft store, I made heart messages to stick into the plants.

Miss T & Miss S’s Class:
Where Children Come to Bloom.

Dear Miss T,
Thank you for helping me
And Grow!
Love, Emma

It was such a fun project to do together, one that you could really be a part of. You were so excited to bring in your gifts & show your teachers what you made for them. I think they really loved them.

The flowers may not come back year after year, but your teachers will have an adorable flower pot they can reuse, one with a cute little handprint from May 2012. I can't even imagine what that cute little hand is going to look like next year.

I love you so,

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