
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Wedding Shower Wednesday: Wine Basket

Dear Em,
This will be our last Wedding Shower Wednesday post this year. After this week, we'll be talking about birthday parties in preparation for your 2 1/2 birthday bash (yup, you read right, 2.5).

A few years ago I was at a shower where the bride was given a wicked fun gift. In fact, a teensy part of me wanted to sneak the gift home with me. It was a basket filled with three bottles of wine, fun wine glasses, & fun wine-related trinkets. There was a message on each bottle of wine. One bottle was to be opened on the couple's one year anniversary, one was to be opened on the three year anniversary, & one was to be opened on the five year anniversary.

I just love stealing other people's amazing ideas. So, I had so much fun putting together a fun wino basket for our friends B & E. First I went to the liquor store. My wine choosing is mostly random & very amateur, & I asked for help in the store. The friendly man who worked at the store said most wines keep for about a year, but I needed nicer "probably reds" for wines I wanted to keep longer than that. I chose a fun beachy looking white for year one (they got engaged on the beach), a nicer red merlot for year three, & a nice champagne for year five (the bride loves champagne & what better a time to pop a cork than a five year anniversary?).

Next, I went to hallmark to find some fun wine glasses. They have so many hand-painted & wicked cool ones to choose from. It was hard to choose. I probably walked the isles for at least 30 minutes & changed my mind a bunch of times. In the end, I bought a colorful pair of glasses with phrases about celebrating painted on them.

I bought a basket at Kohls that was perfect to put everything in & also 75% off. Score! I also found a beautiful candle & some wedding-themed picture frames.

I wanted to put the bottles of wine in beautiful hand-stamped bags I found on Etsy, but the order fell through. I put the gifts in the basket & then set to work writing pretty, little messages to the bride & groom. I smiled as I thought of them opening the messages & bottles during their precious celebratory moments.

“Knowing you will be with me in all my tomorrows, makes my today so wonderful.”
B & E, 
Happy 1st Anniversary! 
We know the first year anniversary gift is paper, but we felt wine was in order for this celebration! As you drink, fill your minds & hearts with memories from the beautiful day you said, “I do.” We hope every year is more beautiful than the last, & we’re sure it will be as long as you have each other. 
Brian, Julie & Emma

“I still do.” 
B & E, 
Happy 3rd Anniversary! 
We know the third year anniversary gift is leather, but Em wanted to save the animals. Instead, open up this bottle that has only gotten better as it’s aged, just like your marriage. Let your minds & hearts be full of memories from the beautiful day you said, “I do.” We hope every year is more beautiful than the last, & we’re sure it will be as long as you have each other. 
Brian, Julie, & Emma

“A successful married life requires falling in love many times, but always with the same person.” 
B & E, 
Happy 5th Anniversary! 
We know the fifth year anniversary gift is wood, but we figured it would be more fun to have some cork popping time! Enjoy the bubbles, & celebrate the beautiful day you said, “I do” & the amazing 5 years that have followed. We hope every year is more beautiful than the last, & we’re sure it will be as long as you have each other. 
Brian, Julie, & Emma

I forgot to take a picture f the end result, I know, wicked bummer, right? You'll have to take my word for it, it was really cute. 

It makes my heart happy to think of the fun the basket will bring to a very special couple as they celebrate their amazing adventures over the next five years. So much changes in five short years. Five years ago, your daddy & I weren't married yet. We lived in an apartment an hour and a half away in Connecticut. You were just a dream in my heart. Sigh, I hope B & E's next five years are as precious as your daddy & my first 3 1/2 years have been.

I love you so,

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