
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Wedding Shower Wednesday: Favors

Dear Em,
I know your Daddy & I got married almost four years ago, but I finally got around to using some of my bridal shower favors.

At the time of my shower we were deep in wedding planning mode, & it just seemed like so much money was being spent on our wedding (even with us DIYing to keep costs down). I just wished some of the money spent was going to something better.

I found pink breast cancer awareness ribbons online that bloom into wild flowers when planted. I sent my best friend the link as "an idea for my shower" (yup, even when I'm not planning, I'm planning). The proceeds for the pink ribbons went to breast cancer awareness. My bridal party put the sweetest notes on each table explaining that although the spotlight was on your daddy & I, we wanted to make sure the spot light continued to shine on what was important. Some of the beautiful women who attended my shower, actually made additional donations. It was so touching & amazing to me.

There were tons of leftover ribbons, and my girls gave them to me. First they were stored at your grandparent's house & then we put them in storage at our house. I had mostly forgotten we even had them, but I found them in a basket the other day when I was cleaning things up. The words wild flowers gave me the garden bug, & we planted some of them.

I really, really hope they grow & bloom. I love wild flowers & it would make my heart so happy to see them in our own yard.

I love you so,

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