
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Wine Tasting Birthday Party

Dear Em,
To celebrate another birthday, your Daddy threw me a wine tasting birthday party last week. He sent out a facebook invite to our friends, got a couple bottles of our favorite wine, & encouraged everyone to bring their favorite/an interesting bottle of wine. Your daddy even cleaned the house & set up some appetizers.

Before your bedtime, you got to enjoy the party too. You love parties & food. You'll have to wait a long time for wine though. There were so many wines! Some people brought wine from a local vineyard, some brought something new they wanted to try. I've seen other parties with a set-up to take notes on each wine. We took more mental notes. Like, "mmmm, this is yummy. We should get this the next time we're at the store."

We brought out the board games & had a hilarious time tasting wine & playing games. 

It may not sound like your idea of an exciting birthday bash, but to me it was just perfect. I love your Daddy for putting it all together for me...even if his lips are dyed purple whenever he drinks wine.

I love you so,

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