
Monday, May 21, 2012

Adventuring to the southernmost spot in Rhode Island

Dear Em,
The birthday week that you & Daddy planned for me has come to an end. The highlight of my week was Friday evening when the two of you surprised me with a drive to Watch Hill in Westerly, Rhode Island. It's the southernmost part of Rhode Island, & I love the scenic drive.

The first time I went to Watch Hill it was for a dinner at Ocean House. Originally built in 1868, it was closed in 2003 when it was deemed beyond repair. It's since been restored, & the restorations captured the rich history & beauty of it's past. The Victorian building is both massive & quaint, & I've fallen in love with it's architectural beauty. It's sitiated perfectly along the shore with beautiful ocean views all around. Dinner (& I imagine the rooms) are a little pricey. Still, I couldn't wait to share the scene with you & Daddy. As we drive past it I sigh & feel a calm rush over me, knowing that we are entering historic Watch Hill, a beach that has become one of our favorites.

Each time we go to Watch Hill, your daddy & I are struck by how much the town reminds us of Dingle, a quaint little shore town in Ireland. We've been to Watch Hill a handful of times, mostly during the spring & fall when the streets are quiet. This Friday was my favorite trip, a little adventure.

Beachy shops line the streets of Watch Hill, selling art, furniture, home decorations, knicknacks, & food. Our favorite spot for food is Bay St. Deli. They make my favorite clam chowder of anywhere in Rhode Island. The clam chowder has plentiful chunks of clams & a little bit of a spiciness to it (the Rhode Island style clam chowder is my favorite).

We like to sit on the stone benches along the water & eat our chowder. You were excited about the oyster crackers, but for the first time you enjoyed the chowder too. You like to dip your oyster crackers in your chowder, just like Daddy.

After filling up our bellies with yummy chowder, we took walks along the stone wall that lines the harbor. We looked at the water. We looked at the boats. We looked at the people & dogs passing by.

We chased after each other on the grass. Falling, tickling, giggling. We lay & gazed at floating, fluffy clouds.

Next, it was time for a potty break. Potty breaks are especially fun at Watch Hill, because the public restrooms are located right next to the oldest continuously operated carousel in the U.S. It was first built in 1883 & is a historic landmark today. I thought the horses were a little freaky looking, but you love them. You point each one out & tell us little stories about them. Unfortunately, the carousel wasn't going to be open until the next day, but you were happy to just look. You probably would have stayed there for quite a while, but we urged you to keep walking with us.

First we saw an empty beach except for a lone life guard chair. It looked perfect & beautiful, but it was closed within a fence (which is probably why it was empty).

So, we kept walking & exploring with no real purpose other than to enjoy the evening, the little town, & each other. We again found the stone wall that lines the harbor. Just beyond the wall was what looked like thousands of snails. Being the little explorer you are, you enjoyed checking them out & trying to count them.

At the end of the stone wall we found ourselves at Napatree Point, a small stretch of beach. You & I took our shoes off to let our "toey toes" spread in the sand of the beautiful wildlife preserve, which protects dunes & endangered birds. It's a true Rhode Island treasure & is now one of our favorite spots. You enjoyed watching the boats while you sat on "rock chairs." We found beautiful pink flowers that lined the sandy paths & you collected their petals.

 We noticed a steep path up a tall dune. We wondered what was on the other side & hiked up the sandy trail. The top of the dune is the perfect spot to see amazing views of the harbor & the quaint buildings of Watch Hill.

A beautiful, almost empty beach lay on the other side. You & I ran down the steep, sandy dune, sliding & giggling on the way down. Once on the beach, we found an old driftwood log that we climbed & walked like a balance beam.

The ocean waves called to us & we ran to dip our "toey-toes" in the salty water. It was cold. Actually, it was freezing, but we didn't mind. Giggles & squeals, & love followed as we raced the waves before they reached our feet. 

It was a magical & adventurous evening. You actually fell in the ocean waves. Daddy & I worried you would cry, freezing & surprised by your fall. Instead, you looked up & smiled & conitued to run & splash in the waves. You danced & dug holes in the sand. When you were done, we rolled up the sleeves of my sweatshirt & put it on you to warm you up.

We left Watch Hill with full bellies, happy hearts, & plans to return for more magical adventures. Sigh, I just love the place we live. Don't you?

I love you so,

* For this post I'm linking up with Design Mom & her series, Love the Place You Live. These were her firstsecond, & third posts of the series. I linked up with this post about The Wall, this post about our family trip to New Hampshire, & this post about our favorite bike path. *


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