
Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Dear Em,
The weather is kinda dreary today. It was been for the past few days. When the sun is shining, one of our favorite things to do is stop by the Dels Lemonade truck near our house & enjoy one of our favorite things about Rhode Island.

They have a bunch of flavors but lemon is the best. It's frozen, with chunks of lemon throughout (that sounds gross, but it's wicked yummy). It's amazingness in a cup. From the beginning, your daddy has told me that in order to be a true Rhode Islander, you can't use a straw or a spoon to eat your Dels. You have to kind of smoosh your cup, mae out of wax paper, & squish your Dels up to eat.

You're already a true Rhode Islander.

I love you so,


  1. Hi Julie! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Yes, you and your husband should totally check out Charlotte the next time you're in NC- it's such a beautiful city with lots to do. Although Wilmington is pretty awesome.

  2. We sure will, Lauren. thanks for stopping by!


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