
Monday, June 4, 2012

Race for Research

Dear Em,
Next Saturday, you & I will be "racing" in a 5K. I will sloppily trying to run & you will be (probably crankily) strolling. The style of how we do the 5k is not what is important but more the reason behind it.

The 5K that we will be "racing" in is the MMRF Race for Research. Did you know less than 5% of patients diagnoses with multiple myeloma, an incurable blood cancer, live more than five years after diagnosis? With all the amazing revolutions & innovations this country & this world have seen, cancer is still something we haven't beaten. I'm hoping we can help change that.

"The MMRF was founded in 1998 as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization by twin sisters Karen Andrews and Kathy Giusti, soon after Kathy was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, an incurable blood cancer that originates in plasma cells. The mission of the MMRF is to relentlessly pursue innovative means that accelerate the development of next-generation multiple myeloma treatments to extend the lives of patients and lead to a cure.

An outstanding 90% of total budget goes directly to research and related programming. The MMRF has been awarded Charity Navigator’s coveted four star rating for nine consecutive years, the highest designation for outstanding fiscal responsibility and exceptional efficiency.

The MMRF has facilitated unprecedented accomplishments including helping to bring four new drugs to market that are now standard therapies for patients with multiple myeloma and being used or explored as treatments for more than 30 other cancers."
- From the MMRF website

This is my 4th year participating & your 3rd (well, your first year you were still in my belly). We "race" to honor those who have suffered because of cancer. We "race" for those who can no longer race. Mostly though, we "race" for hope, hope that someday the word "cancer" will not be a death sentence. I hope that someday you will see a world that is cancer free.

If you would like to sponsor us in the MMRF Race for Research, you can go to our participant page & donate online. If you would like to join us in the Race for Research, you can go to the MMRF Race for Research homepage to learn more about future events.

I love you so,

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