
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Jammie Days

Dear Em,
"Mommy can we please just have a jammy day?" 

It's probably your way of just trying to avoid getting dressed, but it pulls at my heartstrings. It reminds me of how long it's been since we've had a lazy, jammy day. It's been so busy...maybe we've kept you too busy? We're having so much fun on all our adventures, but I think we'd all just love a full weekend of rest, relaxation, & having nothing planned.

It was like your teachers knew how busy things were when they planned a jammy day for school. You smiled ear-to-ear when I woke you in the morning & told you it was jammy day.

You & your classmates looked so stinkin' cute in your jammies.

You know what's funny? Daddy worked from home that day, so he got to have a jammy day too. It was a jammy day for everyone! Well, except for me. I think we need to talk to the company I work for about jammy days.

Until then, I'll just have to dream about family jammy days in mid-October when things look like they might start slowing down.

I love you so,

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