
Thursday, September 27, 2012

our little shoe girl

Dear Em,

"Mommy! Are these my NEW SHOES?! Did you buy them for me?! Oh thank you, thank you, thank you. Oh, you are the best Mommy shoe finder in the WHOLE WORLD!"

You exclaimed this earlier in the week after I had swapped out all your summer shoes for your winter shoes in your shoe bin. At first I was a little surprised. You were with me when we bought your school shoes. I ordered one pair online, but we had tried them on you when they came in. Maybe you forgot about it because it was a month ago?

I couldn't help but laugh as you put each pair of your "new shoes" on. You oooooohed & thanked me as you pranced around in each new pair. I never knew a few pairs of shoes could make a 2.5 year old so delightfully happy.

We kind of have a rule about not wearing shoes in the house, but you just couldn't take off the pink sneakers you had picked out during our marathon outlet shopping trip. They're pink, & they're sparkly. They're a little out of control & not at all what Daddy or I would prefer. But you LOVE them. You tried to go to bed with them on. I promised you that you could wear them the very next day. Then & only then would you let me take your shoes off for the night.

I see a closet bursting with shoes in your future.

Thanks for making me laugh & smile every day.

I love you so,

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