
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Living out of a suitcase...again...

Dear Em,
Yesterday we returned from our amazing mini vaca in New Hampshire & I left right away for a work meeting. This morning you emphatically told me that Daddy had put your hair clips in wrong. "Sometimes he doesn't do the right things," you said. I'm pretty sure doing your hair is a job Daddy would refer to NEVER have.

Here I am in a hotel for work for the week, & I decided...
I would be a really good consultant for hotels.

Let me share some of my secrets with you.

If you're building/renovating a new hotel:
1) There can never be too many electrical outlets
2) There should be mirrors outside of the bathroom.
3) Elctrical outlets should always be right next to every mirror.

That is all.

I love you (& miss you so),

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