
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Oh, How We LOVE NC Sunshine

Dear Em,
I think it's pretty clear how much we love the beach. I think I've talked about the beach on my blog more than anything else, other than you (i.e. herehereherehereherehereherehere). When we're in North Carolina, we soak up as much beach time as possible.

As much as we love our Rhode Island beaches, there is only a short period of time somewhere in August where you stop feeling like you're going to die of hypothermia when your body hits the ocean. Plus, it may be the "Ocean State," but the beaches are tiny. I feel like I have to get to the beach at the crack of dawn in order to find a small area of sand that is not already covered with people to fit my bum (& the 300 things you have to bring when you go to the beach with a child). Rhode Island beaches will always hold a very special place in my heart, but I am filled with an amazing freeing feeling when I go to North Carolina. Not only is the ocean temperature perfect from April to October, there are miles & miles of open beach space (it's kind of neat when you don't have to sit on top of other people at the beach).

We spent three days at the beach during our stay in North Carolina & they were beautiful days.

On the first day, the weather & water were so beautiful that we spent almost the whole day in the water. We rode waves & floated. It was amazing & exhausting & perfect. I slept so great that night.

For our second & third trips to the beach, we took a few more littles with us. Your daddy called our car the beach bus. It was packed.

Between the big waves & the extra kids, there wasn't as much opportunity to swim in the water. So, we spent most of our time wading, looking for shells, buildings sandcastles, & enjoying the sunshine. I of course used my time on land to snap photos of precious beach moments.

OMG, I think littles on the beach are the cutest thing EVER.

Except for you & Nonnie, most of our family members avoid going to the beach with me like the plague. It was such a surprise & a treat when your aunt Gina & uncle Greg agreed to join us. The day was filled with special moments with both of them.

It made my heart so happy when I caught this precious moment with Nonnie, Greg, & Gina.

Sigh, family & the beach are definitely two of my favorite things & how lucky are we to have enjoyed both on our NC trip?

I love you so,

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