
Monday, October 22, 2012

Our Family Tree

Dear Em,
As a homework project, your teachers asked your class to work with their families on a family tree. I kind of forgot about the "work together" part as I started it after your bedtime the night before it was due. Whoops. We had a lot going on. I talked to another parent who told me it's just the beginning of me working on one of your projects while you sleep. Gosh, I hope not.

While you teachers provided us with some paper, they instructed us to make anything we wanted.

Here is ours:

I love that although we have a little family of three, we have a great big family tree. I also love that even though much of our family lives far away, we've been able to get together with them & have pictures that captured those moments. It's so fun to think of how our family tree will continue to grow & change. 

Plus, I loved looking at the rest of your classmate's family trees. Everyone made such unique family trees, & it was fun to learn more about each child & their family.

I'm so thankful for family, especially my little family of three.

I love you so,

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