
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

the pink house on the beach

Dear Em,
We went for a walk on the beach the other day, & you were thrilled to find a pink house set right on the edge.

Em: "A pink house! That will be my pink house someday!"
Me: "Oh, that's where you are going to live? Right on the beach?"
Em: "Oh yes, and there is a yellow house right there, Mommy! You can live there. And we can find a blue house for Daddy to live in."
Me: "Hey, does Daddy have to live in a blue house? I think Daddy and I would like to live together."
Em: "Oh sure. You can both live in the yellow house, & I will live in the pink house."
Daddy: (Smiling at me.) "Mommy & I get to live in a house two just houses down from yours? I think we can handle that."
Daddy: "If Mommy & I live in the yellow house & you live in the pink house, we won't be able to make you breakfast. Can you make your own breakfast."
Em: "Well, no. Ok, you and Mommy can live in the pink house with me. I will let you live in my house forever."

Right now, it sounds kind of nice to live in a pink house on the beach with you & Daddy forever.

I love you so,

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