
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Owl Cupcakes & Pumpkin Pie Milkshakes

Dear Em,
I do love fall & all the yummy food that comes with this season of crisp air & amazing smells. Remember our owl cupcakes last year? I was excited to make hootiful halloween treats again this year. Just like last year, baking with you was super fun & super messy.

You'd think I would have learned from last year. I turned my head for a second to look for my camera. I turned back & there was chocolate everywhere. Chocolate all over you, chocolate all over the floor, chocolate all over the counter & down the cabinets. Sigh.

You're lucky that you're so stinkin' cute.

We used vanilla frosting instead of coconut pecan frosting, because we can't find coconut pecan in Rhode Island anymore. You liked them just as much...maybe more.

Just to fill you up with a little more sugar, we also made milkshakes. We're always looking for new milkshake ideas. I found a recipe for a pumpkin pie milkshake on Giver's Log, & thought it would be the perfect fall treat.

Pumpkin Pie Milkshake & Toasted Cinnamon Graham Crackers

Ingredients for Milk Shake
4 Cups Vanilla Bean Ice Cream
2 Cups Milk
1 1/3 Cups Pumpkin Puree (we used canned)
1/2 tsp Vanilla Extract
2 Tbsp Brown Sugar

Dump everything in & blend.

Ingredients for Graham Crackers
12 Full Graham Crackers
2 Tbsp Butter
2 Tbsp Sugar
1 tsp Cinnamon

Preheat oven broiler. Combine Cinnamon & suagr. Spread crackers lightly with butter & sprinkle on cinnamon sugar. Broil until toasted (this doesn't take long...take it from me, the person who burned two batches & had the smoke detectors wailing).

Daddy said he likes his shakes a little sweeter. I thought the shake was alright. As much as I try, I just don't really like pumpkin flavor. You loved it. You especially loved dunking your half burned graham crackers into your shake.

At the end of the night, you were covered in pumpkin & chocolate, but you were happy. Actually, I think I found some pumpkin on your face even the next day...signs of a great weekend.

I love you so,

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