
Monday, October 15, 2012


Dear Em,
I'm back. I wasn't planning a little hiatus from this blog. It just happened. Everything just got to the point where it was too much, & some things had to give. So, I haven't made time for house cleaning & exercising & reading for fun...& blog writing. Sigh, it's been busy.

I've missed anniversaries & birthdays. I was in another state for Daddy & my wedding anniversary...& also the one year anniversary of this blog. That's right. This blog is already full of a year of memories & precious moments. I'm hoping to have a blog giveaway to celebrate. More on that later.

You know how sometimes when life is swirling around you, you wish for a moment where time would just stop? I feel like you know exactly how I feel because every morning you've asked for a "lazy jammy day," but then every morning we've rushed to get you ready & out the door & off to school.

And then we got just what we needed, a weekend with almost no plans. We enjoyed time as a family. We enjoyed the peacefulness & beauty of New England autumn. We did a ton of cleaning & laundry & yardwork. And we relaxed. You cried last night at bedtime. I mean, you really cried. I knew exactly how you felt. This past weekend was the perfect weekend, & it's hard to say goodbye to a perfect weekend.

But now I feel like I can take time to put some thoughts down least for now.

I love you so,

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