
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tulips & Hyacinths

Dear Em,
I love love love tulips in the spring, & the smell of hyacinths is my favorite. Every spring I watch them bloom everywhere & wish we had some in our own yard. I tell myself I'm going to plant some in the fall so that we have some in the spring. Every year I forget about planting the bulbs...until the winter when the ground is hard & covered with snow. You know, when it's not optimal planting time.


In the middle of a busy week, we loaded up your wagon with planting soil, garden shovels, & bulbs. We weeded out the gardens & planted our bulbs. I was so proud of us!

You are seriously the cutest helper, hands down, ever.
Our gardens are already overgrown with weeds again. Is there something out there that kills weeds while fostering the growth & development of flowers...that requires little time & energy?

I have this weird feeling that Spring is going to come & we won't see one tulip or hyacinth grow in our yard. I feel like I'm not very good at growing flowers...but I seem to be really good at growing weeds. I guess we'll have to see in the Spring.

I love you so,

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