
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

unplanned adventures

Dear Em,
This weekend was the first weekend in I don't even know how many months that we didn't have anything planned. No out of state travel (well, we did go to CT, but it was just over the state line & just 20 minutes away so it doesn't count), no all day events, no was an amazing treat & just what we needed. So, what did I try to do? Plan the weekend up.

Hi, my name is Julie, & I'm a compulsive planner. Hi Julie.

So, anyway, I decided it would be fun to go to a URI football game. Sure they're now 0-6 & have been outscored 210-45. But they're our almamater & they play only 15 minutes away from our house. Plus, you love marching bands.

I got you all psyched about going to the game while your daddy groaned & begged to do anything else. Not wanting to do something is exactly what inspires greatness & creativity from your daddy. "What if instead we fly kites?" he asked. He then pointed out that you have never flown a kite before, & it would be a fun family activity.

Except that we don't own a kite. "Are you sure they will have kites in stores," I asked. I had always thought that kite season occurred more in the springtime months. Daddy pointed out the gorgeous weather & nice breeze. I had to agree it was a perfect kite flying day. So, we got you excited about flying kites at the beach, bundled you up, & loaded into the car.

Daddy had gone to Ocean State Job lot looking for a kite. They had told him that they normally have them but were out. We headed down to Westerly with a plan to pick up a kite at Benny's & fly kites at Watch Hill.

Except that I was right about kite flying season. They man working at Benny's practically laughed at Daddy when he asked where the kites were. "Come back in June," he said. We had no Plan B. We had driven out to Westerly, & we had no Plan B.

Luckily, Benny's is kind of like a mini toy store, & they happen to carry My Little Ponies, your new favorite thing to play with at school. For less than $10 we were able to purchase you a pink pony, & you didn't seem all that bummed that we were kiteless. We decided to drive back home & let you take a nap.

"Wait, where's the beach? Aren't we going to the beach," your little voice asked from the back seat. We explained that we had no kite. "But I want to go to the beach!" Your daddy & I smiled at eachother, shrugged, & headed toward Charlestown Beach.

"You forgot my toys! Where are my toys," you asked as we walked out onto the beach. At first I was perplexed. "Your pony is in the car so you don't lose it," I explained. "No, my toys!" Then I understood. You expected that this beach day would be like any other summer beach day. I had to explain that after the summer months, the beach was too cold for swimming & building sand castles. You pouted a little & didn't seem to understand.

"But we can still look for shells," said Daddy. And that's exactly what we did. We looked for shells, & you stored them in your little pockets. We watched the ocean & looked out at Block Island. You & Daddy chased each other up & down the beach.

It was the perfect unplanned adventure. I smiled at your daddy as we drove home. "That was a great idea! Today was perfect." He laughed, "Well, that wasn't really my plan, but I'm glad it worked out." I smiled. "Oh, that was exactly your plan. Your plan was to avoid going to the URI Football game." He knew it was true, & we both laughed.

Sometimes the unplanned adventures are where you're really supposed to be.

I love you so,

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