
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Thanks God!

Dear Em,
Last Friday was a big work day for me. I was a little stressed out about it, & the fact that it was also my day to bring you to school added to the stress. But then you reminded me to smile & what is important.

Emma Keane at 7:35am...
Em: Hey Mom, look at all the pretty colors of the leaves. Isn't it gorgeous?
Me: It sure is.
Em: Isn't it so nice that God made all the different colors?
Me: It is nice.
Em: Thanks God!
Me: (smiles)
Em: Hey Mom, want to say our prayers?
Me: (not quite sure which prayers, we had already prayed for our day earlier that morning) Um, sure, why don't you start.
Em: Now I lay me, down to sleep...
Me: (smiling as I look at the clock & see it is before 8am)
Em: I pray the Lord my soul to keep...
Me: (beaming with pride as my daughter reminds me what is really important)
Em: Watch me all through the night & wake me with the morning light. God bless...

We went through all of our family & friends, our school, our military, & our government. Then we thanked God for everything & asked him to help us with our day.

It was exactly what I needed at 7:35am that morning...exactly.

I love you so,

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