
Thursday, February 7, 2013

a little known secret

Dear Em,
When I was growing up my dad was in the Navy, & we lived all over the country. It's funny how we see things as children. If you talk to most people about San Francisco, you'll hear raving reviews. For me, San Francisco left me feeling disappointed & lied to. I'm going to tell you a little known secret. The Golden Gate bridge isn't's red. Gasp! I know. How could they lie to us like that?! It's like going to the Emerald City & not finding any emeralds or discovering that the Empire State Building isn't any taller than you are. Then again, I was in first grade when I lived in California. So, I guess that's what's important when you're six years old.

Today, actually right now, we're flying to San Francisco. Your daddy is turning 30, & I surprised him with a California trip to celebrate. You're spending some time with Grandma & Papa. We will miss you terribly & skype you at every possible moment, but I'm so excited to see San Fran (& Napa too) through adult eyes. Something tells me it's going to be a whole different place.

I love you so,

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