
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Love is all Around

Dear Em,
The weather has been freezing here in Rhode Island (actually, it's been freezing across the country), & we've "got our love to keep us warm." It may be cold & grey outside, but inside it's filled with pops of color & fun. A lot of bloggers seemed to share the same idea, using doilies to decorate for Valentine's Day. Lucky for us, we had a few extras after finishing up our Valentine crafts. I added our doilies to leftover fishing wire & glue, & we filled our house with doily garlands.

We don't have a fireplace, but sometimes I pretend our TV is one. Seriously, I actually have a fireplace DVD. Is that weird?

I hung doily garlands from the curtain rods in the living room, & taped hearts that were saved from previous years. You went with me to the craft store to look for some red vines to put in a vase, but it was the pink roses that caught your eye.

It breaks my heart to think about erasing your window masterpiece, & I thought it was too soon to take down our snowflakes. Instead, we added hearts to what was already there.

It's the one time of year we fill our home with pink & red, & you couldn't be more thrilled. To you, it's a perfect backdrop for your precious dance performances.

Is it just me, or are you the most perfect Valentine's Day decoration?

I love you so,


While my letters are addressed to Em, we enjoy hearing from all our readers. Comments are always welcome. The ideas, inspiration, & support we get from other readers is one of the reasons I write. I try to respond to all comments. If you click the "subscribe by email" button underneath the comment box, you will get notifications when I have replied. Thank you for stopping by!