
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day 2013

Dear Em,
Happy Valentine's day to the one who caused my heart to grow in love in ways I didn't think possible. Today started out with hugs & smiles & laughter as we exchanged Valentine's. You were super excited that we saved some owls & cookies for you.

As another surprise, our home is blanketed in snow again (there was a blizzard over the weekend...more about that soon). There is a one hour delay in our town, which means Daddy gets to work from home today. You're excited that I'll be bringing you to school instead, because you have a little extra time to watch morning cartoons. I think that's the best Valentine's Day surprise of all for you.

I feel so fortunate that we can be together as a little family to celebrate, & I know we'll be thinking about our family & friends near & far & wishing that all their days are full of love. We're both looking forward to stopping at Dunkin Donuts to pick up a heart shaped donut before bringing you to school, where you'll exchange Valentine's with your sweet little friends. After school, we're repeating what has become a Valentine's Day tradition & heading to a "fancy restaurant."

I don't think Valentine's Day was ever so fun before there was you. While every day is full of "I Love You's," for a girl who loves pink & sparkles & giving hugs, Valentine's Day holds a special kind of magic. We love sharing the magic with you.

I love you today & every day.

I love you so,

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