
Monday, March 4, 2013

Daddy's 30th Birthday Recap

Dear Em,
We had such a fun but low-key weekend celebrating Daddy's 30th birthday. Knowing how tricky I typically am, your Daddy was tip-toeing around every corner as if an embarrassing surprise was going to jump out at him. I have a little bit of a reputation of going overboard with birthday surprises (for his 21st birthday, I let everyone know by hanging fliers all over our college campus). This year I was a little disappointed with myself. After our San Francisco trip, I was all out of surprises. "We already gave you your surprise, Daddy. It was just a book," you told him (we had given him a book & a putter as gifts). I think your daddy was mostly relieved.

We started the weekend by dropping you off at Grandma & Papa's house for a fun sleepover. Daddy & I joined so many of our friends at Malted Barley. Malted Barley has quickly become one of our favorite spots in Rhode Island. I'm not sure what is more impressive, the beer menu or the soft pretzel menu. Well, your Daddy is more impressed with the beer, & I could eat every soft pretzel on the menu in one sitting. There's live music on the weekends & free foosball downstairs. It was so fun to meet up with friends in a casual & laid back setting. The moment it struck midnight, we were actually driving home & I serenaded Daddy with my very best Happy Birthday to You rendition as I drove. Daddy smiled & said the night was perfect- exactly what he wanted.

The best thing Daddy got the next morning was the gift of sleeping in. With you sleeping at Grandma & Papa's, there was no 6am wake up call at our house. We met you & Grandma & Papa for an early lunch at El Tapatio, one of our favorite spots for Mexican food. While I didn't have any surprises up my sleeves, you & Grandma did. You had made fun birthday hats for us all to wear. 

After lunch we mostly just relaxed. It's a good thing too. You were pooped from the celebrations & ready to go into a sweets coma after eating the fried ice cream (so yummy). You actually asked to go to bed. That NEVER happens. Daddy & I took advantage of the quiet time & watched Game of Thrones. Daddy loved watching the show so much, he got the books for Christmas. He read three of the books in two months (& they're really long books). One of his birthday wishes was that I would watching the show with him. I'm now a fan as well (warning, it's definitely not for kids). We watched the whole first season this weekend.

The next day, I did have one surprise. Using post it notes, we filled 30 of them with reasons we love Daddy. I made a scavenger hunt for you & Daddy throughout the house (& a couple clues were outside). We weren't sure how it would go for you. You're not the best at looking for things, often not seeing what is right in front of your face. I was thrilled to see you had a blast. "Mommy, we found another clue!" You were practically bursting with excitement. It made me happy to see Daddy smile & sometimes chuckle as he read each of the 30 reasons why we love him. It was such a sweet activity for the two of you to do together (& good exercise, I accidentally had you going up & down the stairs the whole time).

I asked you why you love Daddy, & you responded very matter of factly. "Because he's my hero." Seriously, my heart melted into a puddle on the floor. I'm so glad he is, & I'm so glad we were able to share a fun weekend together celebrating him.

I love you so,

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