
Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Dear Em,
Lately it's been the little things that make me smile the most. You've been the little teacher at home a lot. We constantly watch you put your babies & stuffed animals in a circle for circle time. You read books & sing songs before bringing them to the table for snack time. Daddy & I join in on the fun too. You have special school names for us. I get to be Emma & Daddy is Richard (as a teacher, you surely can't call us Mommy & Daddy).

This is how it went the other day.

Emma: "Richard, you're doing so great. I'm going to give you a sticker."
You proceeded to give "Richard" stickers all over his sweatshirt.
Emma: "Hey, I've been good too. I think I should also get some stickers."
You gave yourself one, realized your sticker was disproportionate to "Richard's," & piled on more & more stickers.
Emma: "There, we each have ten stickers."

I'm not sure if you're going to be a teacher when you grow up, but I would like to sign up for your class. I'm also going to buy stock in stickers.

I love you so,

1 comment:

  1. As always, what a sweet letter. Hmm, maybe she'll truly become a teacher.. :D


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