
Monday, March 11, 2013

I've Got Sunshine

Dear Em,
When you live in New England, March is a tough month. By then most people are just over winter, but it's still not quite spring. My body aches to get outside & do all the spring & summer things we love (I really need to get a winter hobby). This weekend we got to get out. It was actually warm enough that we could peel off our coats in the sunshine, & it made my heart happy. It made yours happy too.

You made sure that even your babies got to join in.

Your static hair made us all giggle.

We spied some buds popping up. I think the tulips & hyacinths we planted this past fall may actually bloom! It's going to be so much fun to see the pretty colors as we bend down & smell a few. I really can't wait to return to all of our spring activities.

Sigh, this weekend was the perfect balance of lazy & action, outside & in. Don't you just love that?

I love you so,

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