
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Where Chefs Eat

Dear Em,
I'm off to Prague this afternoon. This is the very first time that an ocean (& a 12 hour flight) will separate us. It seems weird that my heart will be on a different continent while I'm away on my trip. As always I will miss you terribly, but I'm going to try to experience every little bit of this new culture & country I can in the short time I have.

One of the things we bought Daddy for his birthday this year was a book called Where Chefs Eat: A Guide to Chefs' Favorite Restaurants. It's a thick book, encyclopedia thick. Most people would look at it & wonder why any would want it as a birthday gift. Deciding where to eat on trips has long been your daddy's job. He scours sites to find top restaurant reviews & then goes to the restaurant sites to check out the menus. It seems exhausting to me, but he loves to find the perfect spot.

Review sites can be subjective, & when I saw this book I thought how interesting it would be know where the the Chefs like to go. The book is put together by asking some of the world's top chefs the following questions:

- "Whether it's a lazy or a snatched one, the chef couldn't start the day without breakfast here."
- "Service is over but the night is still young, this is where the chef satisfies any late night hunger pains."
- "Around the corner from the chef's work or home, this restaurant serves up good food enough to eat regularly."
- "This is the restaurant that best expresses the cuisine of the chef's home town."
- "When money is limited but their appetite for good food isn't, this is where the chef goes when they're on a budget."
- "For a special occasion or when money is no object, this is where the chef goes to splash out."
- "Professional respect & admiration make this the restaurant that the chef wishes they'd opened."
- "Across the country or on the other side of the world, there's no distance the chef wouldn't travel to eat at this restaurant."

Restaurants are recommended for each of these categories. The opening hours, reservation policy, price range, style, cuisine, & whether or not credit cards are accepted is also listed. While there are no restaurants from Providence listed, we're looking forward to trying out some of the restaurants in Boston & some of the other areas we travel to.

Speaking of travel, there are some restaurants in Prague listed in the book. One restaurant actually has no menu. The Chef comes out to speak with you about your likes & dislikes & then designs a meal for you based upon your preferences. How freaking fun is that? Your daddy & I can't wait to try it out while we're there.

I feel like this book is going to be one we use a lot through the years. There's just one thing missing, the part about where you can bring a picky toddler. I guess there's always the breakfast spots. Breakfast is your favorite meal of the day.

I love you so,

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