
Monday, May 13, 2013

fire pits & s'more kisses

Dear Em,
On Friday we celebrated Grandma's birthday. She & Grandpa came over to our house for dinner & fun in the backyard. I just love our backyard, especially in the spring & summer. We're so fortunate to have such a wide open, green, & quiet space.

We ate dinner on the back deck. You & Grandma & Papa played an adorable game of t ball. I love your baseball swing. You follow through on every swing like Big Papi does after he's hit a home run. It's so stinkin' cute.

We started a fire in the fire pit. You roasted your first marshmallows for s'mores. I enjoyed watching you eat the s'mores more than eating them myself. The gooey chocolate & marshmallow spread across your sweet little face. You definitely have a sweet tooth.

As the sky grew dark, we used the light of the fire pit & your lantern to play hide & go seek in the backyard. I was amazed & proud of how well you were playing. I couldn't believe you were able to find me every time. That was until halfway through when Daddy told me you hadn't been closing your eyes while I hid & you counted. You're pretty sneaky for a three year old.

We let you stay up way past bedtime, & we paid for it dearly with your grouchiness over the next two days. But it was worth it to watch your big smiles & to get your s'mores kisses.

I love you so,

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