
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

I'm on a Boat

Dear Em,
I turned 32 today. How is that possible?!

This year your daddy has really outdone himself with gifts & planning mother's day & birthday-week (that's right, we celebrate all week long) surprises. I was wicked spoiled with my joint Mother's Day & birthday gift: kayaks for the family. It's crazy pricey when you factor in the car rack, the life jackets, & the paddles on top of buying the kayaks. We're looking at it as an investment. It's an investment in family time & adventures for so many years. I'm so excited about the places we'll explore together & the sunshine & fresh air we'll enjoy with these.

You had one requirement when it came to the purchase: you had to have a pink life jacket. Things got a little dicey when we thought they had run out of pink, but in the end good prevailed over evil & you got your pink wish. You're wicked excited. So far you've only sat in the kayaks on land, but that doesn't stop your giddiness. I don't think I'm going to be able to sit in the kayaks without singing the song, "I'm on a Boat" in my head...& maybe sometimes out loud. Got your flippy floppies?

While it's hard to believe how fast the years are flying by, I'm not sad to celebrate another year gone by. This year brought us too many amazing moments and adventures to name.  I'm beyond excited for the gift of a whole new year. With or without presents & celebrations, please know that you, your daddy, our family, & friends are my greatest treasure. You've all filled the past 32 years with such amazing memories. It may feel a little crazy sometimes, but I love you all & I love our life. So, here's to year 33 & all of the adventures that lay ahead.

I love you so,

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