
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Knowing Spanish

Dear Em,
Living with you means at any given moment, we will have something to smile & laugh about. Take the other day for instance...

Em: "Español. Mommy & Daddy, español!"
Me: "That's right. That means Spanish."
Em: "I know Spanish."
Me: "That's great! What words do you know in Spanish?"
Em: "Well, I just know Spanish."
Me: "Ok, well, for instance agua is Spanish for water."
Em: "Water is Spanish?"
Daddy: <Laughing>
Me: "No, agua is the Spanish word for water."
Em: "Well, I just know Spanish."
Me: <giving up on the language lesson>"Ok, that's great."

When you speak to us in a language you have made up & only you understand, sometimes you tell us that is Spanish. Although none of the books we own are in Spanish, sometimes you tell us some of yours are in Spanish. You read them to us proudly in your made up language. We don't understand the story line at all, but I don't know Spanish. So, I guess I wouldn't understand the story lines even if you were really reading them to us in Spanish.

I don't know who we have to thank, Dora the explorer or your teachers at school. I mean, it's pretty clear, you're almost least you think so. Through reading Fancy Nancy books you've also learned to say French words like "oui" & "bon appétit." Is there such a thing as triple-lingual?! 

Joking aside, you know Spanish & French (although I don't know that you know it's French) exists & that makes you more knowledgeable about other languages than I was at your age. And in a world where most other countries are far ahead of us in learning languages other than their native ones, I think you're on the right track.

I love you so,

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