
Friday, May 31, 2013

love letters

Dear Em,
"Ohana means family. I have one of those!"
- Emma McGovern, 3 years old

Remember how I said you were learning French & Spanish? Well, thanks to the movie Lilo & Stitch, you've been learning a little Hawaiian too. Today is all about Ohana, because after school & work today we're making the trip down to North Carolina to visit my family. I'm so excited we have a full week to be all together!

I've been a little absent from the blog this week because between work projects, your last week of school, planning your 3.5 birthday party, gatherings with friends, & packing for a week-long trip I think I bit off a little more than I could chew. But you know what? It all got done in the end, & now I can just enjoy & appreciate your last day of school.

You made it through another school year. This year has been full of changes & transitions for you. It hasn't always been easy, but I can't believe how much you've learned & grown. What a difference a year makes.

Last Day of School 2012:

Last Day of School 2013:

I love you so,

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