
Monday, June 3, 2013

"When I grow up, I'm going to live on a farm."

Dear Em,
We are on vacation this week, visiting my family in North Carolina (my baby brother is graduating high school!). Since I knew I wouldn't be keeping up with the blog this week, I thought I would take this week's blog posts to recap our last family adventure in Ohio. My best friend lives in Ohio, & we had such an amazing time visiting her, her husband, & her one year old son T at the end of April.

Jayme & I have been best friends for more than ten years, but have lived in different states for most of our friendship. While we only get to see each other once or twice a year, I love that we have still been able to share so much. We shared angst over our post-graduate studies (for her it was vet school & for me it was my MBA), the excitement of our engagements & planning of our weddings, marriage, making our houses homes, & now motherhood. It's so fun to be able to share the journey of motherhood with my best friend & to watch our littles interact & play together.

Jayme lives on a farm, & our visits give us all kinds of new things to experience. There are four wheeler rides...

Big fields, a pond, & beautiful natural views...

Guns & outdoor shooting ranges (you did not participate or come anywhere near this)...

& Nights with fire pits & fireworks...

You loved it so much, you made up a song about how you're going to live on a farm when you grow up. You sang & danced while you played Jayme's ukelele. I have to admit I was enchanted by life on the farm too, especially with the smiles it put on your face (We decided if we suddenly lost power & the world was ending, Jayme's farm in Ohio is where we're going to find refuge. Is it weird that I think about these things?). We sure had an amazing trip, & I'm so thankful that we're able to continue to share fun adventures with my best friend & her little family.

I love you so,

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