
Monday, June 17, 2013

Father's Day Recap 2013

Dear Em,
You are so fortunate to have such amazing men in your life, especially your Daddy, Papa, & Papi. They love & adore you, protect & play with you. There is such an abundance of love, & I will always cherish how lucky we are to have such amazing role models in your life. It was so fun to celebrate them this weekend. There was so much sweetness watching you with each of them this weekend. You were certainly a Daddy's, Papa's, & Papi's girl.

We started our celebration on Saturday with a round of mini golf with Daddy, Nonnie, Papa, & Grandma at Mulligan's Island. We had gotten Papa a set of golf clubs & thought that a game of mini-golf was a great way to get him warmed up for the real deal. After a week of rain, we lucked out with a gorgeous day.

You haven't mini-golfed in almost two years, & you were excited. "But Daddy, I thought only grown-ups get to play golf," you asked him with wide-eyes, knowing that Daddy's golf outings don't typically include you. We explained to you that mini-golf can be for mini-people too, & you were happy to hear that. Daddy tried to show you good form, but mostly you just wanted to use your putter like it was a pool cue or a broom. While it took you multiple tries to get your ball into each hole, you were very proud of your new-found golf skills. We're lucky that you don't get too competitive & offered to help all of us by finishing our putts as well as your own.

On Sunday morning, you brought Daddy breakfast in bed: a homemade egg sandwich from Dunkin Donuts & an iced coffee. I think you were slightly confused about which holiday we were celebrating when you grabbed all of your Christmas books from your bedroom & read them to Daddy. You told us that Santa was a good guy & so was Daddy, which I think is about as good of a compliment you can get from a three year old.

In the afternoon we headed to a family birthday party. It was a BBQ pirate party in the backyard of a house that is right on the water. Papa & Daddy took you out on a Paddle boat. It made my heart so happy to watch three generations laugh & spin in circles in the water (they let you steer). Later you made up your own song & performed it for Papa. It was all about how cute Papa is, how he is higher than the ceiling (I guess when you're three, grown-ups seem unusually tall), & how he is your best friend. When it comes to presents, making up & performing a song about someone is pretty high up there on the "Best Presents Ever" list. I think you even topped the golf clubs we got him.

Although Papi was far away in Norht Carolina, we still got to spend time with him Sunday night via skype. You gave him multiple dance "performances" that made him laugh & smile. He beamed with every unstable twirl you performed & every kiss you blew him. It was so nice to be able to spend time with him & celebrate him even though we weren't able to actually be in the same state.

It was a really special weekend celebrating three of the most special men I know...& one pretty special three year old girl.

I love you so,

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