
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

this one time your aunt was a tropical storm

Dear Em,
Now that everything has settled down a bit, I can start recapping our fun trip to North Carolina. It was the perfect mix of relaxation & the beach, time with family & date nights for Daddy & I. It was hot, but I wasn't complaining about the abundance of sunshine. And then it seemed like something was going to threaten our outside plans: a visit from Andrea coming up from Florida.

I wasn't really paying attention to the weather reports. I always just kind of assume that North Carolina is going to be hot & sunny. Even when it's rainy at Nonnie & Papi's house, the sun still seems to be shining at the beach. But then I got a text from (your future uncle) Lowell telling us Andrea (who lives in Florida) was coming home.

Unfortunately, it wasn't actually your aunt Andrea. Instead it was tropical storm Andrea coming up the coast, making the weather predictions a little messy. So what did we do? We did what any true Rhode Islander would do. We headed to the beach to check out the waves.

You know the little ponds/ large puddles that are sometimes formed on the beach. There's something kind of magical about them, especially when you're little & the waves in the ocean are big. In the midst of the tumultuous waves, there you were with your little friends playing in the sand, trying to catch tiny fish, running through the water, & boogie boarding.

When you look back at our vacations in North Carolina, I hope you love these pictures of you & your friends boogie boarding as much as I loved watching you on that day. You were all truly making the best of what was around, & it put such a smile in my heart.

The next day was pretty rainy, & we did spend most of it indoors, but it added some relaxation to what sometimes can be a packed vacation schedule. We took time to read, watch movies, & do a little windy shopping. Throwing a tropical storm into our vacation actually made for a lot of fun. I guess the storm kinda takes after your aunt Andrea after all.

I love you so,

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