
Monday, August 26, 2013

and we're back

Dear Em,
Whoops? Did I take two weeks off from writing? It wasn't what I had planned. When Nonnie left to go back home, it was really sad for all of us. You and I wiped each other's tears & gave each other a snuggle while we waved bye to Nonnie & Papi's car as it pulled out of our driveway. It felt really strange, like we had to learn how to be a small family of three all over again. So, we took time to rest & relax. We took time to get organized. I took some time to unplug. Then we lost our internet for a little while. I just shrugged my shoulders. I guess my unplugged time was meant to be.

So, we took time for fun moments like this...

and we had new moments like this...

and my heart melted during moments like this...

But now I'm back & excited to get back to writing & recapping these moments & all the moments to come.

I love you so,

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