
Thursday, August 8, 2013

Red Dead Redemption

Dear Em,
It always makes me smile when Daddy comes up with activities to do with you. You get so excited for Emma-Daddy time. It makes my heart happy that the two of you have such a special bond.

Last weekend, you & Daddy hit a milestone together. You were downstairs with Daddy. When you came upstairs you were both smiling from ear to ear. You were bouncing with excitement. The two of you played your very first video game: Red Dead Redemption.

I know very little about video games, but I guess Daddy thought I was going to be pretty worried by the title of the game. "Don't worry I made sure she didn't have any weapons & put her person in a corner of the game where no one else was. She just had a lot of fun making the guy walk around," Daddy quickly assured me before I could even think of any reason to protest. He looked at you, a proud expression filling his face. "I think after watching characters move around on TV, she's really excited that for the first time she was able to control the way a character on TV moved."

I had to smile at your daddy. He was just so thrilled to see you loving something that he loves (in moderation). For the next hour, the two of you played Wii golf, Wii tennis, Wii bowling, & some more G rated Red Dead Redemption. "Oh no, Daddy! What happened to my guy?! He's in the water," I could hear you exclaim from the basement. "Oh, Emma, he doesn't know how to swim. He'll come back, but try to keep him out of the water."

Maybe I should be worried about you developing a video game obsession. Maybe I should be researching what is age appropriate & what's not. But I'm not. Right now I'm just smiling thinking about a precious moment shared between my little girl & her Daddy...& how much I love you both.

I love you so,

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