
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Sock Piggy Bunnies

Dear Em,
Your hair is getting longer & longer, & while in some ways that opens you up to more hairstyles, it's also become more difficult to keep your hair out of your face...or your food (after halloween you somehow had ice cream, candy, & frosting in your hair). What we fondly refer to as "messy bunnies" have become progressively messier with the length of your hair. It kind of ends up looking like a big, floppy loop with a long tail. Neat buns are harder to pull off. How do you get them to stay in children's hair without a million bobby pins?

I have seen tutorials for sock buns on blogs & pinterest, but have been too lazy to attempt to cut a sock up. When I was browsing 5 Below for stocking stuffers, I came across sock bun tools & thought "why not try them out?" They came in a pack of two. I brought them home, showed them to you, & you were excited to try them out the next day.

"I want piggy bunnies," you declared that morning (piggy bunnies= 2 buns). So, I put your hair in pigtails, put the tips of your pigtails into the sock bun tools, & rolled each pigtail into a cute little bun.

No bobby pins were needed in the creation of your piggy bunnies. It really couldn't have been any easier, & you loved your new look. Unfortunately, they didn't stay in the whole day. When I went to pick you up from school, your teacher had told me that after a day of hopping around, they had just fallen out. Instead, you had a set of beautifully curled pigtails. I would take it.

Just like that we have a fun & easy hairstyle that will keep your hair out of your face...& food.

I love you so,

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