
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

you put the fun in raking up the leaves

Dear Em,
We've had such amazing & mild fall weather this season in New England. I was thrilled to take advantage of it by enjoying some outside time this past weekend, which included some yard work. When I think back to raking up leaves growing up, I feel like it took my siblings & I all stinkin' day. I don't really remember it being very much fun.

You put the fun in raking up the leaves. While you used the rake for only a few moments before getting bored with it, I was ultimately thankful that you got bored with the rake. You with a rake in your hand is a dangerous thing. I was afraid I would be beheaded on a few occasions. Instead, you enjoyed running & leaping & rolling in the leaves. Daddy & I enjoyed watching you.

It only took a couple hours (seriously, why did it take all darn day when I was a kid?), but it was so much fun. It's amazing how you can make even yardwork fun.

I love you so,

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