
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve 2013

Dear Em,
When I was growing up & my Dad was in the Navy, his schedule wasn't always predictable. There were times that he was forced to work on holidays, & we learned to celebrate when we could be together instead of when the calendar told us to. This is a tradition we have continued with our little family, & it's the reason why we have already celebrated our Christmas Eve.

Since we typically visit my family for the holidays, we celebrate Christmas & Christmas Eve earlier in December. We "wrote a letter to Santa" explaining that we would be traveling & asking if he would make a special exception. We were fortunate that he agreed to visit our home a little early, & that's how we found ourself celebrating "Christmas Eve" on December 13th.

It wasn't Christmas Eve for the rest of the world, & you went to school that day while Daddy & I went to work. You were abuzz with excitement. I love that holidays are so magical for you. I tried to get into the spirit of the season, but I had a little bit of a rough day. I had so much to do, & almost everything about my day seemed to have the intention of slowing me down. I felt a little irritated when we finally got home.

Daddy could see it in my face & hear it in my voice. He gave me a look- a look that reminded me it was "Christmas Eve." I don't always make the right decisions, but I feel like I did that night. I took a deep breath, exhaled, & decided to let it all go & enjoy the magic of my family & the holiday.

Then we baked cookies.

We made hot cocoa (mine had coffee & melted candy cane in it) & watched Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.

We opened our one gift & put our new, comfy Christmas PJs on. Then we snuggled on the couch & read Christmas books.

We left some of our freshly baked cookies for Santa & a carrot for Rudolph.

We said goodbye to Elfie before heading up to bed & saying our prayers.

Daddy & I snuggled with a glass of a wine & watched a movie while we waited for you to drift off to dreamland.

Then Daddy & I got to play Santa. I can't tell you how fortunate I felt to be able to play Santa with Daddy that night.

It may have taken me a little while, but I'm glad I remembered the magic of Christmas Eve before it was too late. There are so many precious moments I would have missed out on & memories I wouldn't have been able to make. I'll only be able to celebrate Christmas Eve with our bright eyed almost four year old once, & living in those moments made this Christmas Eve the sweetest one yet.

I love you so,

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