
Monday, December 23, 2013

Scrapbooking With Kids

Dear Em,
Looking back through all the pictures & memories from this year, we've had a really amazing year. Your year was made so much sweeter by the fact that you were able to share so much of it with your best friend, S. We started the year with your very first time on ice skates. You visited the Easter Bunny & hunted for eggs. You shared your three and a half birthday weekend together, & had your very first double sleepover (& second & third & fourth). There were beach days, parades, trips to the zoo, fun at Waterfires, & rest time with movies. We made nachos & ate Dels, played at the park & jumped on the trampoline. We shared the best New Hampshire trip ever with S & her family. There was face painting & Umbrella Factory & trick or treatingfestivals & The Nutcracker On Ice.

In so many ways S & her family have become such a special part of our family. We've had such a fun filled year, & we wanted to let S know how special it was to us to share so much of our year with her. We decided to make her a scrapbook filled with this years precious moments.

First I printed pictures I had taken of the two of you this year. There were a lot, like a real lot, somewhere around 140. I honestly had forgotten about some of the special moments until I looked through the precious photos. I purchased a photo album & filled it with your memories. Then you & I decorated it together. I let you do most of the work, but guided you here & there. You used stickers, stamps, rainbow letters, & your own illustrations. It was a lot of work for a little love, but you enjoyed making something for your best friend.

I think your hard work paid off when we saw little S smile as she opened it up. She looked through each & every page like it was such a special treasure. My heart melted.

We also gifted her a scrapbooking kit. I can see the two of you putting together you fun & sweet memories for years to come. You were thrilled to. You received a tutu for your doll & a Hello Kitty nightgown.

We laughed as we watched the two of you squeal as you opened Christmas gifts together. At the same time, I know the best gift of all is not something that you opened that night. Your friendship & the friendship we have as families is one of the best gifts we could ever receive- & the fact I get to watch two of the cutest & sweetest girls grow up together.

I love you so,

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