
Friday, December 20, 2013

love letters

Dear Em,
Typically I write your teachers a letter of thanks included with a gift for the holidays (Dec 2011, May 2012, Dec 2012). This year we made your teachers little owl ornaments & a beach bag, which seemed particularly appropriate after you spent six weeks studying owls in your classroom. When it came to a letter of thanks, I thought your words would be much better than ours. So, you wrote your teacher a letter.

I asked you what you wanted to say to Miss K & recorded your words in yellow. Then you traced the letters in orange (her favorite color). I think it will put a smile in her heart to see how much you appreciate everything she does. Here's what you wrote (in case you can't read all the words above)...

Dear Miss K,
I love you for everything. Thank you for everything you do. I like it when you learn with us and help us do new things.
Love, Emma

I hope she knows how much we all appreciate her. Last year was tough for us. You cried everyday you had to go to school, & I worried that you had already lost your love for learning & school. It was like a light went out. We've seen you light up again this year. You're so excited to learn & play at school that you sometimes complain that we've come to pick you up from school too early. I love that Miss K has brought back the fun of school & learning again. I love hearing about the sweet things you learned & did each day. I love how patient she is with you while still setting guidelines & boundaries (you so need that).

I hope Miss K knows what a difference she has made in your life & in ours & how she will always have a special place in our hearts because of it.

I love you so,

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