
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Mailing Your First Letter to Santa

Dear Em,
Since you wrote your very first letters, your letter writing has become one of your favorite things. You'll sit for quite a while, trace over the each yellow letter, & include pictures. You couldn't have been more excited to write a letter to Santa. You knew you wanted to ask for an American Girl Doll, but you & Daddy & I talked about other topics to include. Daddy & I thought that your behavior should be mentioned. You weren't very concerned about trivial things like behavior, but once we mentioned Rudolph, you wanted to make sure he was included in your letter as well. So, I asked you what you wanted to say, & wrote the words in yellow.

You set to work tracing over the words in multi-colored markers, & even included a picture of you & the doll you hope to receive. We planned to go to Macys the next day & drop your letter off in the special red mail box, but the winter weather changed our plans. We had our very first snow that day, & with everything blanketed in white, I was afraid of how the roads would be. We traveled home instead so that you could mail your letter in our own mailbox.

I know that our mailbox isn't big or red, but it was still kind of a magical setting to drop off your very first letter to Santa. Fluffy whiteness covered everything, the Christmas lights had just turned on, our candles were twinkling, & you could just see our Christmas tree through the window. It was truly a winter wonderland.

I love you so,

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