
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

the end of gymnastics

Dear Em,
Last week you tumbled & balanced & swung through your very last gymnastics class of the year. You've loved it & we've enjoyed it, but you have dreams of becoming a ballerina. So, we'll be entering into the world of tutus & tap shoes & ballet slippers in 2014.

I know we weren't supposed to, but I may have snuck a few photos of you.

I'm not really sure what I expected from your gymnastics classes, but it probably wasn't much. At such a young age, I doubted you would be learning any real gymnastic skills. We really just wanted you to have fun & burn some energy for 45 minutes a week. While you did have fun I'm not sure about you burning energy. You seem to have an unlimited supply. I think I truly underestimated what the experience would give you. Your skills have really improved. You do the most adorable frontward roll (before gymnastics you kind of awkwardly flopped over without tucking in your chin). You do pretty well on the balance beams. With the help of a wall, you even have the cutest little handstand.

You also made a really sweet friend. We wish we could take her with us to tap & ballet, but I'm hoping it's not the end of gymnastics for you. Perhaps we'll be able to try again next fall, & I can enjoy again peeking through the windows at my sweet little love hopping & rolling & handstanding through class.

I love you so,

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