
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Christmas Tree Door Hangers

Dear Em,
This year has marked many firsts for you, but it has also marked many fourths. We've celebrated four Valentines Days, four St. Patrick's Days, four Easters, & four Halloweens. Each year & each milestone has been such a blessing, & it puts a big smile on my face to look back at the memories through our photos.

To celebrate your fourth Christmas, we made festive Christmas tree door hangers. I cut Christmas tree shapes out of green paper, cut your photos into smaller tree shapes, glued them together, & then glued the trees onto sparkly gold ribbon. I made one for our home, one for Grandma & Papa's house, & one for Nonnie & Papi's house.

It brings an extra special sort of Christmas cheer to our house. You love looking at our Christmas tree door hangers and reminiscing as much as Daddy & I do. "Mommy, wasn't I cute when I was almost one? And almost two? And almost three?" Now you're a twirling, whirling, great, big almost four year old. Sigh, I really can't express enough how much it goes by in a mere blink of an eye.

I love you so,

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