
Thursday, January 16, 2014

Throwback Thursday: Sledding 2005

Dear Em,
Lately, there have been so many Throwback Thursday photos on Facebook, & I can't believe how freaking fun it is to see some of the old photos. Every Thursday is literally a blast from the past. It makes me smile to look back at what was, & it's fun to see how people are using modern technology to highlight the days before we even had computers (or digital photos).

I decided I was going to bring the throwback fun to this blog in 2014. It's great to talk about where we are or where we're going, but sometimes I don't realize how much we've accomplished until I look at where we came from. But then the first (& the second) Thursday of 2014 came, & I totally forgot about Throwback Thursday. Sigh. So here I am starting Throwback Thursday on the third Thursday of 2014. Ha!

These throwback Thursday photos are brought to you circa 2005. It was a cold day, & snow covered the ground. Your Daddy & I were dating. I was in grad school & your Daddy was in college at URI.

Earlier this week I posted your first real sledding adventure. The massive hill that we sledded down together, giving you squeals of joy, is located in the town I grew up in Connecticut. While I remember sledding there a couple times as a kid, mostly we just went down the hill that my house stood on top of. There was probably something about having 3-5 kids, with at least one child being between the ages of 0 & 4 that didn't make bundling up the kids & packing up the car all that appealing for my parents (especially since my mom was on her own with us much of the time while my dad was away for work).

But that one day in 2005, I really wanted to go sledding. I didn't want the kind of sledding that involved dining hall trays (it's a college thing) & the small hills on the URI campus. I wanted to go for real sledding, & the only hill I could think of was in the town I grew up in. So Daddy & I bundled up, packed up the car, & headed to my hometown (well, the hometown I lived in the longest as a NAVY Brat who lived all over the country).

I think we were the only adult-aged people there without children, but we had a blast. Afterwards, Daddy & I drove through my old town, & I showed him the places I grew up- my old house, my old schools, the playgrounds I played on, the fairgrounds I enjoyed. It was such a rush of fond memories.

At the time, I don't think I thought about the possibility that Daddy & I would get married & someday take our little love with us to squeal down the very same sledding hill. But I'm so glad that that's how our story went.

I love you so,

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