
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

back to the wall

Dear Em,
Lately, I feel like we've been swallowed up in grayness. Almost every day seems to bring rain or snow or fog or...just yuck. We've been cooped up inside for longer than I can stand. So, when the weather forecasted sunshine & higher temperatures this past weekend, I asked Daddy if we could go to the beach.

Daddy looked at me & smiled. I have become such a typical New Englander. At the first hint of a day with high forty degree temperatures, I feel like it's summer. He warned me that it's typically ten degrees colder when you're on the shore, & I promised him we would bundle up.

I tried not to get my hopes up too much, knowing that more than likely the forecasts would be wrong & we would have to face another gray day. When the sun shone through my bedroom windows on Saturday morning, you & I both cheered. We bundled up & decided to head to the wall. You asked if you could bring a few of your "buddies" with you (your American Girl doll, Minnie Mouse, & a purple bunny you've named Purplicious). We said "why not," bundled them up too, & packed your babydoll stroller in the car.

I couldn't believe how beautiful it was when we stepped out of our car. The sun was shining, & it felt like spring. My heart was so happy as I breathed in the ocean air, I thought I would burst.

We walked the length of the wall, smiling & waving to the other walker/runners, before stopping at your "Kazeebo" for a performance.

You were pretty tired after a thrilling "Kazeebo" performance & we sat on the wall to "take a little rest. I listened to the sweet sound of the waves that I had missed so much & enjoyed the warm sun on my face. I can't tell you how much my winter-tired soul really needed this.

The walk back to the car wasn't as pleasant. You had really tired yourself out walking & performing. You were hungry & thirsty, and by the sounds of it, you were practically dying. Daddy & I did everything we could to distract you from your extreme hunger & thirst.

On the way home, you asked if you could roll down your window, & we said "why not." We were pretty well bundled up, & I was enjoying every second of fresh air. I looked back at you to see a huge smile spread across your face as your hand danced in the wind.

I think your soul really needed a break from the grayness too.

I love you so,

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