
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Throwback Sunday...posted on a Wednesday

Dear Em,
Things have been busy & hectic for...well...for a long time. I realized a couple weekends ago that we've been so busy, we haven't gone to Daddy's Restaurant in a while. We've either been out of town, rushing to get out the door, or so tired from it all that we've eaten breakfast in bed (& I'm not complaining about breakfast in bed). I realized how much I missed Daddy's Restaurant moments, & asked Daddy if we could go. You & he both excitedly said "Yes!"

It kind of felt like a throwback to finally return to our favorite Sunday breakfast spot. You helped Daddy make french toast, & you & I even made corn muffins together. I can't tell you how much I enjoyed our Daddy's Restaurant moments, sitting & laughing & cooking & eating & cheersing together as a family. Even Charlie joined us.

I love you so,

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